Touch UI Dialog Structure

While creating dialog for Touch UI, we are creating nodes in the name of cq:dialog, content, layout etc via "Create node" unlike an option named "Create dialog" for classic view.
Each of this has resourceType/Granite UI component associated.

cq:dialog cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog
content granite/ui/components/foundation/container or granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container
layout Granite UI has many layouts available. Most frequent being fixedcolumns, tabs with section
items plain nt:unstructured node.Required dialog fields can be defined under this node.

Below is the screenshot of Touch UI dialog containing two textfields with fixedcolumn layout.

Highlighted in Red:

  • cq:dialog:
    • Logic/markup defined in cq/gui/components/authoring dialog wherein it includes the resources under the node named content.
    • This is the reason why we create node named content under cq:dialog. 

Highlighted in yellow:

    • Logic defined in granite/ui/components/foundation/container or granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container which includes the resources defined under it within a single div tag per the layout definitions.
    • granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container has two additional attributes that can be added to content node. 
      • margin -> true (boolean) -> in the UI, we can observe additional space below the grey line and the dialog fields.
      • maximized -> true (boolean) -> no visible difference as with below example as similar CSS properties are handled in outermost class (the one with div framed via container component/content node)
  • layout:  granite/ui/components/foundation/layouts/fixedcolumns
    • It doesn't has any visible difference in UI as compared to tabs layout in desktop. 
    • Per the documentation, it will be useful for rendering dialog fields as columns in tablet landscape view. (I haven't tried this, so couldn't produce a screenshot)
  • items: 
    • Fields needed goes under this but not directly. Instead, via another container. ie. 
      • items-> content(granite or coral container) -> items
    • as mentioned above, div gets framed for the entire set of dialog fields that we include under container/items (with some padding via the class in the div it frames) - screenshot A for reference.
    • I tried adding the fields directly under items (ie. without container -> result can be evident from screenshot B.)
By the term "includes the resources" mentioned above, trying to imply that it uses Granite's ComponentHelper API(com.adobe.granite.ui.components.ComponentHelper) and sling:include resource (this in particular on ../coral/foundation/container)

Screenshot A: surrounding div for two dialog fields with respective CSS

Screenshot B: No surrounding div  for the two dialog fields as highlighted and hence the impact on UI

This is with basic structure of touch UI dialog.
Coming up next : Minor difference on coralui2 based textfield and coralui3 based textfield (used in this post) in a collapsible layout.
Reference: Official AEM docs, Adobe helpx links on Granite UI.

P.S : This blog share is not from a teaching standpoint, just in thought of sharing my learnings. Request you all to highlight any suggestions/corrections if any.


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