Touch UI Dialog Structure

While creating dialog for Touch UI, we are creating nodes in the name of cq:dialog, content, layout etc via "Create node" unlike an option named "Create dialog" for classic view. Each of this has resourceType/Granite UI component associated. cq:dialog cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog content granite/ui/components/foundation/container or granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/container layout Granite UI has many layouts available. Most frequent being fixedcolumns, tabs with section items plain nt:unstructured node.Required dialog fields can be defined under this node. Below is the screenshot of Touch UI dialog containing two textfields with fixedcolumn layout. Highlighted in Red: cq:dialog: Logic/markup defined in cq/gui/components/authoring dialog wherein it includes the resources under the node named content . This is the reason why we create node named content under cq:dialog. Highlighted in yellow: content: Logic d...